
Sunday 19 February 2012

Easy DIY favor bags / rice bags

I wanted to make some small pouches for the rice/grain people will be throwing our way after the ceremony. In days gone by, the throwing of grain upon the couple was a symbol of the wishes for fertility in marriage.

To make the bags I used:
1 sissor
A large piece of undied linnen
A pencil that can draw on fabric
1 dessert plate
A roll of leather string - brown leather looks the best (mine was too dark I think)
Stamp with a nice pattern
Green inkpad

1. I rolled out the linnen and placed the small dessert plate on it. Using the pencil I drew a line along the plate to make an even circle.
2. Then I cut a small piece of leather string and placed the rice in the center of the circle.
3. Bend the circle's edge up and tied the leather string around it.
4. The next step isen't necessary but it looks nice and decorative. It requires a stamp of some sort, mine is cirkular like sunbeams with a twirl at the end. Press it down on the inkpad and then on the linnen:
These small pouches can be used for both favors or rice, and they look very cute and rustic.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing something similar for my wedding. I'm going to use my dress fabric in an attempt to stop my dress from getting shredded ;) and I'm going to put a polite request into it asking people to accept it as a piece of my dress.

    I looked at a couple of options for making the bag and then we found a bag in a castle gift shop that looks quite square and it's expandable but, when you open it, it's actually a circle that's been threaded in the right way. We bought a couple for the girls so now I need to have a play with it and see what I can do with it.
