
Saturday 4 February 2012

The Rings - part 2

I had promised myself to make another post about the rings, simply to give you more examples to inspire you when hunting for the right rings. As I wrote in an earlier entry I went to the Danish National Museum between christmas and newyears and took a lot of pictures for you from their medieval ring collection.

As you can see the exhibited rings are all gold, but at the time they were also made in other metals like silver. The national museum usually only show the most impressive ones.
I especially adore the engagementrings:
The above are all from 1200-1500 and characterized by hearts, knots, hands reaching for each other or even scultured lovers.
The rings from the early part of the Middle Ages are often twined or plaited and occurs from 1050-1150. Twined arm and neck rings were known by the vikings, but the finger rings arrived with the start of medieval times:
In the late medieaval period signet rings were used to press into hot wax like a person would sign their name today. These were copied by peasants in bronze or silver.
The rings worn by the bishops were often very elaborate with precious stones - Sapphires, rubies, amethysts and garnets - and with holy ingravings like the cross, jesus' face (1350-1450 AD), or the names of saints and Mary.

Lastly there's the rings inscribed with patterns, intitals or words from the bible. They were popular in the 14th and 15th century.
Maybe some of these rings will inspire you when you are looking for some for your wedding :-).


  1. I'm not getting married, but I'd love to have any of these! Love the Bishop's rings - the one on the left with big leaf pattern and star-sapphire? or whatever that stone is.

    Lovely post!!! and you are so very lucky to have this history at your fingertips.

  2. Do you have an medieval inspired engagement ring? I cannot find a lot of information on engagement rings during this era and I personally would love one when that time comes :)

    Love the blog, hope you continue writing!
