
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Jason and Sheila's Medieval Wedding

This wonderful wedding was first featured on the OffBeatBride blog, but I have to show you some pictures as well, because this is truly a romantic wedding with a medieval theme carried out in such sweet details. The photographer is the amasing Kari Bellamy (London, UK).
The wedding was held a bright july day in 2011. The forest was their church and  the High Corner Inn their banquet hall. With the bride's corset and silver crown the medieval gets a twist of elves and renaissance, but the overall feel is wonderful.
They held a pagan ceremony in a circle of freinds with a cord to symbolicly bind them together, hand and soul.

The forest photoshot is one of the softest and sweetest I have ever seen. They both look so happy and at peace. The woods are a great place to take medieval wedding pictures. It's natural, and the light falls in a delightful way when trees are there to part it.
The bride was dressed in white and blue, and with a celtic touch, that also can be seen in the groom's outfit.The English Costume Company provided the decorations and costumes and just look at the outcome:

The room was pretty modern, but with the wooden beams and the flowers it had the romantic medieval feel. The tables were set with ivy clad candelabras and small purple favor pouches.

There's a lot of joy emminating from the happy crowd of guests and with maypole dancing, love and cake who can blame them :-)
Looks like a magical wedding and I hope the bride and groom had that day of medieval wonders that they planned for.


  1. I have two comments:
    1. a "pagan" wedding"? What are they devil worshippers?
    2. that is the ugliest wedding cake I've ever seen.

    1. 1) Paganism has nothing to do with the devil. It is a religious belief like Christianity or Buddism. Actually it is a common name for several believes often focusing on polyteism (more than one god) and nature elements, (like the Norse Mythology's God Thor - god of thunder, or the Wiccan Green man - god of the forest.) Paganism was still alive and kicking in medieval times but the Christian church created Inquisition to purge Europe from all who wasn't christians in a campagne reminiscent of the Nazi pursut of the Jews.
      Modern pagan wedding ceremonies will often consist of a binding of the hands, where the couple are bound together with cords to symbolise their union, much like the exchange of rings.

      2) As for the cake I think it's amasing, but you are entitled to think otherwise :)

    2. "pagan" wedding sorry but i didn't see anything on the description about this being a pagan wedding i saw medieval wedding and just because you have a medieval wedding doesn't make you a devil worshiper the cake was very unique i loved it thanks for sharing your pictures i am also having a medieval wedding in nov. and i saw some ideas that was helpful to me.. thanks..

    3. I am glad to hear it :) I would love to hear from you after the wedding, maybe you have something to inspire other brides with?
