Thursday 7 April 2011

Future entries

This is mostly a brain storm to myself but also to you, so you can see what I will be taking on in the next couple of months. I wanted to make a list of possible themes for the entries and decided to share them with you. Hopefully you are full of ideas as well and you are most welcome to make a comment if there is something you would like me to write about.

1. Clothing: The men, the women, the children, the wedding gown, shoes, Characters (knight, hunter, peasent, king,) the groom, every day clothing, purses, fabric, headdresses, capes,
2. Jewelery: The wedding rings, the bridal jewelery, the belt, crowns,
3. Weapons: Swords, armor, shield,
4. Decorations: Flowers, tables, tableware, chanderliers, banners, other nifty tricks,  Making a totelly modern location into a medieval dream.
5. Food: A menu, wedding cake, beverages, dessert, table manners, Coloured glases,
6. Music: Instruments, what kind of band would fit well, dancing in the middle ages.
7. The Ceremony: The words, handfasting, jumping the broom,
8. Invitation and so on: Guestbook,
9. Reviews of: stores, bands, locations, entertainment.
10. Real Brides: hopefully a lot of stories from people who have tried this themselves.
11. DIY guides to all that is medieval.

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